'Global Food Shortages Coming || Its not business as usual! Prayer Mountain Night 49!'

47:48 Feb 17, 2022
'From the Desk of Apostle Anna Edwards Founder & Overseer, Prayer Tower Association of Houses of Prayer Worldwide, Pioneer of the 100 Days of Prayer,  The Global Prayer Network ================================  Thursday 25, November 2021  “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing\" Matthew 24:45‭-‬46  Dear Faithful & Wise Ones I pray that you are well and in best of health, I pray that the comforter is with you, guiding you and leading you into all truth. I speak the blessings of the Lord over your life, wisdom and understamding for the Last days. I declare grace to stand strong amidst the darkness, I declare eyes to see through the veils of satanic deception in Yeshua\'s Name Amen!  As we rapidly approach the end of the Time of grace and mercy, we are all reminded to stay awake, stay sober, stay watching and praying. When this age is over, the dispensation of Jacob\'s Trouble begins. Seven years of tribulation such as never seen before, with a fully satanic empowered one world government, a world currency and the one world religion, led by the anti-christ. All Nations will be asked to participate in this anti-christ system in order to live and get back as a normal citizen, in order to work, to eat, drink, buy and sell. This will begin the great deception of false peace and false hope.   Presently we are at the first phase of implementation of this beast system, this is the training program for the New World Order. The Remnant of God which is hidden by God, looks on as the whole world willingly participates in this sinister training program. The time is soon approaching where all non- participants of this training program will be seen as committing treason against the government. This is where the heat will be turned up to mandate their global marking systems, in order to arrest and imprison the offenders. The non compliant will become enemies of the state.  Just at the moment that this tribulation begins to break out, I believe, that the remnant church will be raptured and redeemed from this earth by our Lord Jesus Christ. Those who were watching and praying for the Lord\'s Return will be taken to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Those who were fighting to stay on earth, so they may live and enjoy life, will get to stay. However they will soon realize that it was all a great delusion, and they will have to go through the tribulation. This is the 7 years where the anti-christ will get the legality to rule the earth, because the world created a space in their heart for him, they choose lucifer over Adonai. This 7 years will be part of the judgement of God upon the wicked of the world.   During the reign of evil, many will have to flee their homes into the mountains, flee to forested areas, flee to safe camps and places of refuge, i.e. if they know where they are. If they choose to continue in the 666 marking system, their souls will be sealed as part of the devil\'s harvest. Those who refuse to accept the mark; some will be imprisoned and tortured, some may be eaten by zombies, some will die of starvation and some will be beheaded. This 7 year tribulation will be nothing that we have ever seen before, as every gate of hell will be opened, loosing the demons of tortue and wickedness to freely roam the earth.   The Prayer shields over nations will go down, as the praying church and the Holy spirit will no longer be in the Earth. The protective barrier over earth will be open to every form of demonic creatures to enter earth\'s airspace. The fallen angels, rulers of darkness, nephilims and every kind of demonic vultures will be roaming the earth, bringing destruction. People will be existing in the worst kind of fear known to mankind, the Dwelling Place of demons.   May God protect us all!   WATCH this Broadcast to learn more: MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WILL VANISH  
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